• 3 October 2012Registrations are open again!

    New account registration is available again. As a side note, I got six emails in the last three days from people asking when the registrations would be open. Sorry about that! It was kinda nice seeing people eager to register :)

    Please note: forum accounts are no longer linked! If you sign in with your forum account in a public space, signing out on *this* site will no longer sign you out of the forum!

    Another change is that updating your password *here* will no longer update your password on the forum. They are completely separate accounts now. Existing members just have the "privilege" that they were able to get the exact same username accross the main site and forum. From now on, you'll need to update your forum password from the forum "Profile" tab.

    You now have to sign in, and sign out, on this site and/or the forum, completely separately. If you'd like the "remember me" feature for the forum, go to the forum "Profile" tab > click "Privacy" then check "Save username and password between visits." If you use the forum in a public place, simply make sure to click "Logout" on the forum.

    I'm afraid forum registration remains closed and it will probably not be open until next week. This is where most of the work which I hinted in the previous post, still have to be done.

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