• 31 March 2014Upcoming feature: Example words in the Study pages

    I'm currently working on a dictionary feature for the Study pages! I know there's quite a few areas of the site people would like to see improved, but .. when the motivation is there I'll take it.

    With this feature you can see a list of example words for a kanji on any given Study page. Having example words for the kanji, even when you are not memorizing them yet, is very helpful to make a connection between the character and the english keywords.

    This feature will be at first mostly a convenience one. It can save time looking up the characters in a paper dictionary (eg. Kodansha's Kanji Learner's Dictionary) or separate online resource. But there are quite a few interesting things that can be done in further updates, especially for users who take advantage of the Flashcards on this site.

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