• 15 September 2015Kanji Ryokucha : an Android client for the Kanji Koohii SRS

    Last month I worked with member porukkusu on a simple API that lets a third party application connect with a Kanji Koohii user's account. The Android application, called Kanji Ryokusha is now available on slideme.org!

    The app lets you complete SRS reviews on your mobile device. The key feature of the app is that you can write the kanji on your touch enabled device, before flipping the flashcard and comparing your answer with the correct one.

    If you use the Kanji Koohii reviewing system and own an Android device, give it a go, and be sure to give some feedback to porrukusu in this thread!

    A few points I need to mention:

    I struggled implementing OAuth last month, partly because I was just so tired and I couldn't find any straightforward solution in the form of a library that handles OAuth completely from the server side. For this reason although there is a simple API working on the website for the SRS reviews, it is not made public yet. However if you have an interest in it, just get in touch as more developers can help me design it better.

    Without OAuth we decided to go ahead with a simple sign in through the website's own sign in page. In programming terms I believe this is "good enough" for the time being. Hopefully in the future I can improve the API authentication, and at that point I will make it public. The downside to this is that the app needs your username and password to login.

    In terms of privacy: the API currently only gives access to your flashcards (read/write) and custom keywords (read only). Your email is not shared with the app. If you decide to stop using the app you can always update your password if you'd like to be 100% sure it is no longer accessible through the third party app.

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