• 8 September 2021Bug fix related to dialogs on Flashcard Review page

    Today I implemented a workaround for an issue that user Leonid found on staging dot koohii dot com.

    During Flashcard Reviews on a phone (typically), or mobile device -- it can sometimes become impossible to close the dialog. Since the dialog is "modal" and has a sort of mask covering the page, and click/tapping that mask area does not dismiss the dialog (as it should)... then the user is effectively stuck and the only way out is to refresh the page.

    My solution is more of a workaround, but also a small UX improvement : indeed; I don't understand why I never put an obvious close button on this dialog, even on desktop.

    So the following changes have been made:

    • the Edit Story dialog during Flashcard Reviews, always shows a large "Close" button, even on desktop
    • while I haven't found why click/tapping the "masked" area (outside the dialog) becomes stuck eventually, the button lets you close the dialog

    This should close issue 207 on Github. If there are any other related issues, feel free to comment there or send me a message.

    Please note this fix/workaround is currently only on staging dot koohii dot com.

    The reason for that is that I broke the "Kanji Recognition" page while I was doing a lot of refactoring to implement ViteJS + TailwindCSS support. This refactoring will really pay off... but in the short term I was annoyed at "maintaining" such an old piece of code and initially thought I'd just discontinue it.

    Long story short I am fixing the Kanji Recognition page, and hopefully improve it somewhat. I have a cool idea to integrate the Dictionary lookup in the page, so I may experiment with that as well.

    Once the Kanji Recognition page is fixed, I will update live (here) with the fix mentioned above.

    Of course as I explained in the previous post, you can use staging dot koohii dot com right now, it is exactly the same site, and you can keep using the same account there. If you find any other issues on staging, please let me know!

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