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Blog / July 2010

  • 20 July 2010Scheduled downtime (server maintenance)

    This is straight from the web hosting company: the server will be coming down on July 22 between 00:00 CDT and 04:00 CDT for Scheduled Maintenance. This is a 4 hour window for the maintenance, the actual downtime should be no more than 30 minutes.

  • 13 July 2010Returning from India

    Wooo! Finally! Can't wait to be back home!

    I'll be living back in the south of Belgium for a while, which is a big change for me. I like the agitation and diversity of the capital, but I'll be closer to family so it's all good.

    I'll have a lot more time to work on the website. My main challenge will be to find some healthy activities in this small town, to keep my energy and motivation up. I really have no idea what the next year will be like, but maybe that's how it ought to be :)

    Thank you for your support during my trip in India! It was very inspiring to have been financially supported by the website while travelling abroad. I made one last boring possibly interesting long winded post on the Posterous blog.

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