
Blog / September 2010

  • 15 September 2010Custom Keywords for next update

    I started work this week on custom keywords. This feature is currently implemented rather neatly by woelpad's Greasemonkey script called Substitute Keywords.

    The plan is to allow import / export of CSV style lists (frame number, custom keyword) and also allow to edit the keyword directly on the Study page like Woelpad's script. I'm thinking of using a text area to import (similar to Manage > Add Custom Flashcard Selection), as this would allow to paste a complete list of keywords but also to edit just a few keywords at a time.

  • 10 September 2010Website is up

    The website has been updated with the changes described in the last post (though a couple hours laters than I planned .. (X_X '). Happy uhm... happy Friday 10th September!
  • 9 September 2010Brief downtime tomorrow for website update

    The site will be down very briefly tomorrow (Sept 10th) at around 9 AM GMT (11 AM CET) for a bug fix update.

    • Homepage summary now displays a count of RTK flashcards when the flashcards are not added in order. So you can see a progress count even if you don't add all RTK flashcards (eg. "200 of 3007 RTK flashcards"). If cards are added in order, it will show "Lesson N of 56" as before, which is nicer for people doing the complete RTK1.
    • RtK Volume 3 flashcards now show up at the end of the Progress chart.
    • Adding RtK 3 flashcards now continues to display the current RtK 1 lesson so long as you do RtK 1 in order (but say, you want to add some new jouyou characters from RtK 3 in your set).
    • The kanji in the story edit window popup of the flashcard review page (S key) is now hidden by default, just like on the "My Stories" list. This was requested by users who like to check the story but not reveal the character during review. Simply point the mouse cursor to the kanji area to reveal the character.
    • Added new "Public" tab in "All My Stories" so that you can see a list of Public stories (thanks gfb345, paasan). Also added a "public" icon to the Stories lists to indicate public stories (forum topic).
    • Added more convenient keyboard shortcuts to review page: 1,2,3 on the main keyboard is for No/yes/Easy. Numeric Keypad 1,2,3 as well. Numeric keypad 0 flips the card (same as Space key) (thanks to aexyl93, forum topic).
    • Minor graphic update of the flashcard in the review page.
    • Shows readable date (n days ago) for last edits in Stories lists
    Bug fixes:
    • Fixed clicking "reconnect" link at end of review not working. It's using a more elegant "ajax queue'" logic now, so it should allow to reconnect regardless of circumstances (thanks to alexsuraci & others who have reported this previously, forum topic)
    • Fix RTK1 completion message so that it shows only when all RTK1 flashcards have been added, and not when you add the last card (thanks bladethecoder, meolox, forum topic)
    • Restored reports tab of the My Stories page, which disappeared in a previous update (thanks bodhisamaya, forum topic)
    • Fix footer on Profile and Reading pages (thanks Dustin_Calgary, forum topic)
    Please use the relevant topics above, when possible, to comment on the related changes. Happy reviewin' :)

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