• 13 August 2018Blast from the Past - December 2006 !

    Found an old screenshot dated December 8, 2006. With browser chrome for full nostalgia effect!


    Apparently saturated yellow and blue was all the rage those days. I chuckle to myself sometimes that each year I made the background color a little less saturated. If you look at the screenshot in this post from January 2015 you can see how the background color was still quite yellow! It took us 10+ years to get to where we are now! ... And look at that blue! What was I thinking?

    Were CSS gradients and drop shadows even a thing in those days? I remember we used tricks with small images to make small rounded corners. Internet Explorer 6 was still a thing, and at work I had to make websites that displayed properly on IE 5.5! (to be fair 5.5 was practically identical to 6).

    As you can see the index page used to feature a list of members reviewing flashcards that day. If you look carefully in the list you can spot member CharleyGarrett, who is still currently a patron (cf. patron list). My hat off to you sir! -- I can also spot at least one other member who was active on the forum yesterday ;)

    I have another screenshot from August 2007, with 199 members in the list and quite a few more names I recognize and still active on the forum today. Maybe I will post it later.

    Ah, I almost forgot. As you can see the website was originally named "Reviewing the Kanji". It was obviously a little nod at "Remembering the Kanji". I changed the name in March 2015, at which time the site got a nice refresh with a more muted header bar and background color we're seeing now.

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