• 30 June 2019Maintenance update : let me know if any issues!

    I did an update on the server today. The website "build" uses a slightly different configuration. It's very difficult to test these things... so please let me know ASAP if anything stopped working or doesn't behave as usual.

    For the more technically inclined... this weekend I finally have a Docker based repository working. The Github repo will be updated soon with the Docker version. This Docker version has a simple php/apache container, and a MySQL container. It's much easier to setup, and the database container automatically sets up a sample database to have a local copy of the site up and running.

    The Javascript minification used to be handled by Closure compiler. Now it's done with UglifyJS 2. I used the default settings so hopefully all the javascript is compiled the same as before. But.. you never know.

    It's been a while now that I haven't been able to update the website because my VirtualBox machine was just unusable. Even though they added the "VMSVGA" mode, it's just slow as molasses. So I ended up installing Ubuntu 18.04 LTS natively. The downside is I have to reboot into this Ubuntu OS in order to do some development or even basic maintenance like deleting an account, or renaming someone's account.

    I'll post another update when the Docker version is up on Github!

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