• 3 December 2021Holiday Coutdown Deals at JapanesePod101 (December 2021)

    Update: JapanesePod101's December deals ended.

    Whether it is through JapanesePod101, donations and/or Patreon, thank you for supporting this little website! It means a lot to me.

    I wish you all in advance a Happy Christmas and New Year's eve! :)

    PS: work is well underway to add an "Again" rating to the Flashcard Review part of the site. This new rating marks a card as forgotten (similar to Anki's "again" rating) -- while also moving the card to the end of the current review session therefore allowing you to repeat a card indefinitely until you rate it No/Hard/Yes/Easy. I'm trying to get this update finished this December. Issue #184 on Github.

    **Sale Extension**: from 12/16 until 12/28, JapanesePod101 will extend the sale and re-open the top 3 offers: Deal #1, Deal #5 and Deal #8.

By Month